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i-physics-world-3d.component overview

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IPhysicsWorld3dComponent (interface)


export interface IPhysicsWorld3dComponent<TypeDoc extends PhysicsTypeDocRepo3D = PhysicsTypeDocRepo3D>
  extends IPhysicsWorldComponent<Point3, Point4, TypeDoc> {
  readonly loader: TypeDoc['loader']

  /** event emitter, emits newly added physics components */
  readonly added$: Subject<TypeDoc['trigger'] | TypeDoc['rigidBody'] | TypeDoc['raycastVehicle'] | any>
  /** event emitter, emits just removed physics components */
  readonly removed$: Subject<TypeDoc['trigger'] | TypeDoc['rigidBody'] | TypeDoc['raycastVehicle'] | any>
  /** list of currently added to world physics components */
  readonly children: (TypeDoc['trigger'] | TypeDoc['rigidBody'] | TypeDoc['raycastVehicle'] | any)[]